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Copy existing issues to the target project.

The plug-in operation steps are as follows:

  1. Install and start the application;

  2. On the issue details page of the project, click the action button [...] to see a menu called "Copy to". Click on the menu and a dialog will appear;

  3. In the dialog, you can select the target project, issuetype, and load the required fields based on the target project and issuetype. After selecting the values of the required fields, click the submit button, and the current issue will be copied to the target project; [The required fields are  shown in the picture2 (except for the required field that is the same as the current issue)]

  4. The copied content includes details, comments, associations, and attachments of the issue.

When we create a issue in project :"又是一个团队项目(MFQI)" and issueType:“任务”,the required fields are  shown in the picture:

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